Tag - industry

MovieLabs Announces Industry Forum for Media Creation

San Francisco, August 21, 2024 – MovieLabs, the technology joint venture of the major Hollywood motion picture studios, announced today the formation of a new MovieLabs Industry Forum focused on designing and developing the future of professional media creation. Applications for membership are now open for technology service providers, creative application and...

NASA Explores Industry, Partner Interest in Using VIPER Moon Rover

“NASA thanks everyone who provided expressions of interest in using VIPER and looks forward to learning more about how potential partners envision accomplishing NASA’s science and exploration goals with the rover,” said Nicola Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “We want to make the best use possible of the...

The CCZT: Built for the Industry, By the Industry

The CSA Security Update podcast is hosted by John DiMaria, Director of Operations Excellence at CSA. The podcast explores the CSA STAR program, cloud security best practices, and associated technologies. In this blog series, we edit key podcast episodes into shorter Q&As. Today’s post features Anna Schorr, Training Program Director at CSA. Anna and John discuss...

NASA Additive Manufacturing Project Shapes Future for Agency, Industry Rocket Makers

The widespread commercial adoption of additive manufacturing technologies, commonly known as 3D printing, is no surprise to design engineers at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama whose research created stronger, lighter weight materials and new manufacturing processes to make rocket parts. NASA’s RAMPT (Rapid Analysis and Manufacturing...

Tech Today: NASA’s Moonshot Launched Commercial Fuel Cell Industry 

Agency’s technology development prepared fuel cells for tomorrow’s renewable energy grids NASA’s investment in fuel cells dates to the 1960s when most of the world was still reliant on fossil fuels. A fuel cell generates electricity and heat when hydrogen and oxygen bond through an electrolyte. Because its only by-product is water, it’s an environmentally friendly...

BEC and VEC Attacks Target Automotive Industry

Originally published by Abnormal Security. Written by Mick Leach. While every organization across every vertical is at risk of experiencing advanced email attacks, there are certain industries that, for various reasons, periodically become the go-to target for threat actors. Our research revealed that the automotive industry currently finds itself in the crosshairs...

Educating the Security Industry with CISO Rick Doten

Written by Megan Theimer, Content Program Specialist, CSA. Can you believe that CSA has been defining and raising awareness of cloud security best practices for 15 years? Over the course of these several years, we’ve been educating the community with our volunteer-driven research publications, trainings, certificate programs, in-person and virtual events, and many...