Tag - Hot

Coming in Hot – NASA’s Chandra Checks Habitability of Exoplanets

This graphic shows a three-dimensional map of stars near the Sun. The blue haloes represent stars observed with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton. Astronomers are using these X-ray data to determine how habitable exoplanets may be based on whether they receive lethal radiation from the stars they orbit. This research will help guide observations...

Baltimore Children’s Choir Gives National Hot Dog Month New Meaning, Records New Oscar Mayer Jingle Parody

Baltimore, MD—The Saint David’s Children’s Choir of Catonsville has recorded for release in July, National Hot Dog Month, a parody of the original, well-known Oscar Mayer wiener jingle focused on plant-based rather than processed meat wieners. When Kraft Heinz announced recently that it is seeking to sell Oscar Mayer, the public health advocacy nonprofit Physicians...

Coming in Hot — NASA’s Chandra Checks Habitability of Exoplanets

This graphic shows a three-dimensional map of stars near the Sun. These stars are close enough that they could be prime targets for direct imaging searches for planets using future telescopes. The blue haloes represent stars that have been observed with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton. The yellow star at the center of this diagram represents the...

Joey Chestnut Promotes Vegan Hot Dogs Instead of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs

In the contest, participants gorge on hot dogs, a processed meat that increases the risk of colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, and even early death. Americans will eat an estimated 7 billion hot dogs this summer—150 million on July 4 alone, according to National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. It’s a dangerous trend. The World Health Organization has determined...