Tag - Hell

When all hell breaks loose, North Carolina returns to the cypher – Scalawag

Home to Nina Simone, John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, Rapsody, and J Cole, North Carolina’s musical legacy is rooted in activism. Even hip-hop’s newest Carolinian chart-topping trap rapper DaBaby has embraced rap as a medium to address racial injustices in America by sharing his personal challenges with law enforcement. Despite our state’s rich...

‘beyond a better hell’ / talking to ghosts: a mixtap/e/ssay – Scalawag

Author’s note: ‘beyond a better hell’ / talking to ghosts is a mixtap/e/ssay—a hybrid genre that brings together the mixtape and personal and scholarly essay. The project is composed with prose, lyrics, music, repurposed film, and news clips. Reading and listening to the entire project is recommended, with no recommendation for which you should do...

31 Days in Dekalb County Hell – Scalawag

This essay mentions state-sanctioned death, violent prison conditions, and suicide. Names have been changed to protect privacy.  “One day closer to home.” Those were the words etched on the wall above the bunk bed in cell 212 at Dekalb County Jail. They were the first thing I saw when I woke up between 3 and 5 a.m. for the first food delivery of the day...

Marketing the hell out of solutions journalism | by Jay Allred

A new revenue playbook will help newsrooms tap the financial potential of solutions journalism Newsroom leaders featured in the playbook will speak about their experience at this event on Thursday Dec 2nd noon-1pm ET. Jay Allred, president of Richland Source in Mansfield, Ohio, has championed solutions journalism as a way to serve the community and tap into local...

A Hell of a Performance

In The New York Review, Andrew Delbanco reviews the LOA publication of The Naked and the Dead and Selected Letters, 1945–1946, edited by J. Michael Lennon. He writes: Norman Mailer wrote with an unstable mixture of self-indulgence and self-awareness, bravado and diffidence, glibness and bracing honesty, macho posturing and an almost sheepish gentleness. Read the...