Tag - goals

CO2 border tax would help U.S. reach climate goals — report

CO2 border tax would help U.S. reach climate goals — report

The Biden administration is reaching deep into its toolbox for ways to lower carbon emissions and boost U.S. manufacturing. So far, that hasn’t included a border tax on carbon-intensive imports. But it should, according to a new report organized by the Climate Leadership Council, a research organization that advocates for a carbon fee. “A properly designed domestic...

How officials sabotage rehabilitation goals for profits – Scalawag

Standing in the prison hallway after class, my classmate Evan asked me a sobering question: “How do I forgive the person who murdered my dad?” Knowing we would need more time to tackle that issue, I promised to talk with him after class the following week. Unfortunately, that class never came. The Building Blocks program in which Evan and I met was...