New Articles November 26 – December 2

New Articles November 26 – December 2

Freshwater-specific journals (5): Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine and Freshwater Research, River Research and Applications

Broad-based journals (5): Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ecology Letters, Oecologia



Hagiwara, A., H. S. Marcial. The use of non-Brachionus plicatilis species complex rotifer in larviculture. Hydrobiologia.


Ding, Y., H. Xu, J. Deng, B. Qin, and Y. He. Impact of nutrient loading on phytoplankton: a mesocosm experiment in the eutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Hydrobiologia.

Hayes, N. M., A. Patoine, H. A. Haig, G. L. Simpson, V. J. Swarbrick, E. Wiik, P. R. Leavitt. Spatial and temporal variation in nitrogen fixation and its importance to phytoplankton in phosphorus‐rich lakes. Freshwater Biology.

Smith Jr., K. L., H. A. Ruhl, C. L. Huffard, M. Messie, and M. Kahru. Episodic organic carbon fluxes from surface ocean to abyssal depths during long-term monitoring in NE Pacific. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Community Composition

Bortolini, J. C., P. R. L. da Silva, G. Baumgartner, and N. C. Bueno. Response to environmental, spatial, and temporal mechanisms of the phytoplankton metacommunity: comparing ecological approaches in subtropical reservoirs. Hydrobiologia.

Chen, K. , D. Sun, A. R. Rajper, M. Mulatibieke, R. M. Hughes, Y. Pan, A. Tayibazaer, Q. Chen, B. Wang. Concordance in biological condition and biodiversity between diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages in Chinese arid-zone streams. Hydrobiologia

Feeney, W. E., R. M. Brooker, L.N. Johnston, J. D. J. Gilbert, M. Besson, D. Lecchini, D. L. Dixson, P. F. Cowman, A. Manica. Predation drives recurrent convergence of an interspecies mutualism. Ecology Letters.

McParland, E. L., N. M. Levine. The role of differential DMSP production and community composition in predicting variability of global surface DMSP concentrations. Limnology and Oceanography.


Guivier, E., A. Gilles, N. Pech, N. Duflot, L. Tissot, and R. Chappaz. Canals as ecological corridors and hybridization zones for two cyprinid species. Hydrobiologia.

Manenti, R., D. Ghia, G. Fea, G. F. Ficetola, E. Padoa-Schioppa, and C. Canedoli. Causes and consequences of crayfish extinction: Stream connectivity, habitat changes, alien species and ecosystem services. Freshwater Biology.


Nicholson, E., E. A. Fulton, T. M. Brooks, R. Blanchard, P. Leadley, J. P. Metzger, K. Mokany, S. Stevenson, B. A. Wintle, S. N. C. Woolley, M. Barnes, J. E. M. Watson, and S. Ferrier. Scenarios and Models to Support Global Conservation Targets. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.


Kergunteuil, A., G. Roder, S. Rasmann. Environmental gradients and the evolution of tri-trophic interactions. Ecology Letters.

Reznick, D. N., J. Losos, J. Travis. From low to high gear: there has been a paradigm shift in our understanding of evolution. Ecology Letters.

Smith. A. B., W. Godsoe, F. Rodriguez-Sanchez, H-H. Wang, D. Warren. Niche estimation above and below the species level. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.


Foubert, A., C. L. Pichon, M. Mingelbier, J. M. Farrell, J. Morin. F. Lecomte. Modeling the effective spawning and nursery habitats of northern pike within a large spatiotemporally variable river landscape (St. Lawrence River, Canada). Limnology and Oceanography.

van Puijenbroek. P. J. T. M., A. D. Buijse, M. H. S. Kraak, P. F. M. Verdonschot. Species and river specific effects of river fragmentation on European anadromous fish species. River Research and Applications.

Food Web Dynamics

Abboud, J-C., E. A. Bartolome, M. Blanco, A. C. Kress, I. Y. ellis, P. K. Yazzolino, K. I. Sorensen, J. R. Winslow, D. A. Cleary, H. Lefcort. Carbon dioxide enrichment alters predator avoidance and sex determination but only sex is mediated by GABA-A receptors. Hydrobiologia.


Voigt, E. P., K. A. Hovel. Eelgrass structural complexity mediates mesograzer herbivory on epiphytic algae. Oecologia.

Historic Climate Change

Buizert, C., M. Sigl, M. Severi, B. R. Markle, J. J. Wettstein. J. R. McConnell, et al. Abrupt ice-age shifts in southern westerly winds and Antarctic climate forced from the north. Nature.


El-Jabi, N., D. Caissie. Characterization of natural and environmental flows in New Brunswick, Canada. River Research and Applications.

Gayol, M. P., N. S. Morandeira, and P. Kandus. Dynamics of shallow lake cover types in relation to Paraná River flood pulses: assessment with multitemporal Landsat data. Hydrobiologia.

Haak, C. R., G. W. Cowles, A. J. Danylchuk. Wave and tide-driven flow act on multiple scales to shape the distribution of a juvenile fish (Albula vulpes) in shallow nearshore habitats. Limnology and Oceanography.

Sullivan, C.J., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, C. A. Camacho. Influence of river discharge on grass carp occupancy dynamics in south-eastern Iowa rivers. River Research and Applications.

Invasive Species

Hui, C., and D. M. Richardson. How to Invade an Ecological Network. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Ondračková, M., L. Všetičková, Z. Adamek, L. Kopeček, P. Jurajda. Ecological plasticity of tubenose goby, a small invader in South Moravaian waters. Hydrobiologia.


Chen, S. and D. Wang. Effects of micro-, meio- and macroinvertebrates associated with burial on the decomposition of an aquatic macrophyte (Vallisneria natans) in a eutrophic shallow lake in China. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Milner, V. S., S. M. Yarnell, and R. A. Peek. The ecological importance of unregulated tributaries to macroinvertebrate diversity and community composition in a regulated river. Hydrobiologia.

Weidberg, N., W. Goschen, J. M. Jackson, P. Pattrick, C. D. McQuaid, F. Porri. Fine scale depth regulation of invertebrate larvae around coastal fronts. Limnology and Oceanography.

Land Use

Pearson, R. G., N. Connolly, L. J. Benson, A. Cairns, P. Clayton, M. Crossland, K. G. Hortle, K. Leonard, J. Nolen. Invertebrate responses to land use in tropical streams: discrimination of impacts enhanced by analysis of discrete areas. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Microbial Ecology

Kublanovskaya, A., K. Chekanov, A. Solovchenko, E. Lobakova. Cyanobacterial diversity in the algal–bacterial consortia from Subarctic regions: new insights from the rock baths at White Sea Coast. Hydrobiologia.


Fox, A. D., T. J. S. Balsby, H. E. Jørgensen, T. L. Lauridsen, E. Jeppesen, M. Søndergaard, K. Fugl, P. Myssen, and P. Clausen. Effects of lake restoration on breeding abundance of globally declining common pochard (Aythya ferina L.). Hydrobiologia.

Riparian Vegetation

Castro-Lopez, D., V. Guerra-Cobian, N. Prat. The role of riparian vegetation in the evaluation of ecosystem health: The case of semiarid conditions in Northern Mexico. River Research and Applications.

Secondary Production

Saulnier, E., A. Brind-Amour, A. Tableau, M. M. Rufino, J-C. Dauvin, C. Luczak, H. Le Bris. Seasonality in coastal macrobenthic biomass and its implications for estimating secondary production using empirical models. Limnology and Oceanography.


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